is a service that lets its users play different online games such as World of Warcraft, Over watch 2, Diablo 3, and other games developed by Blizzard Entertainment. To play these games, you have to make a account that should be an active mobile phone number.
Well, it might be problematic for those users who don’t have an eligible phone number. fortunately, there are two different ways to bypass this requirement. If you are wondering How to bypass the Battle.Net phone number then this guide will help you in finding out the perfect solution. So, let’s get started for further detail!
Get a US Phone Number for Verification from Text Verified
Well, you have to go to the web to find a virtual phone number provider, and then you’ll find different companies to choose from. Many websites are riddled with advertisements and can have a sketchy feel to them. So, never give your PC or mobile phone a virus trying to get a phone number from these sites.
Usually, these sites provide phone numbers that fail to authenticate in the first place, so you end up wasting your time. So always try to avoid all of this hassle. Your first stop should be Text Verified. Well, Text Verified is a trusted virtual phone number service that collaborates with major US phone companies.
These companies provide Hundreds of phone numbers that are generated daily and are available to choose from to get a temporary phone number for SMS verification. These phone numbers can easily used to create accounts and sign up for different services that require an active phone number.
How To Bypass Battle.Net Phone Number Verification with Test Verified
When you are going to start this process, you must have to use a PC for Text Verified to get a US phone number for verification. Alternatively, you can use a mobile phone. Well, you can run into errors due to timing out or suspending the Text Verified application. To do this properly, you have to follow these steps
Step 1: Sign Up For
First, you must head over to to start your account creation. You’ll be asked to provide basic information, such as your name, birthday, email address, etc. You’ll be asked to add a phone number once you have filled in all the basic information.
Step 2: Sign Up for Text Verified
- Next, you have to Open another tab and go to Text Verified to create an account.
- After that, simply Enter the required information. Remember that, you have added verify email address to gain access to Text Verified’s services. Well, your Text Verified account will let you generate US phone numbers for verification.
- Next, you have to check your number history, get voice message verification, and more.
Step 3: Locate the Verifications Tab
Now, you have to locate the verifications tab. Usually, it is located in the top left corner of the homepage. However, this tab will open a drop-down menu that will let you choose the verification type that you need. For, SMS verification you have to choose ‘Text & SMS’ to be taken to the master list of services that Text Verified offers verifications for.
Step 4: Locate Blizzard in the Search Bar
- On this screen, you have to choose from the hundreds of different services that Text Verified offers text and SMS for verification. For it, you just have to Search for ‘Blizzard’ in the search bar and look for the result to rise to the top in the services column.
- After that, you have to check out that the Status column for Blizzard reads as New which simply means that unused phone numbers are available to use for SMS verification.
- Well, If the status reads Used, you can proceed, but it is the best idea to wait for some time for new numbers to become available. As we have mentioned above, New virtual phone numbers are added daily, so check back.
- When you are ready to proceed, then simply click on Blizzard in the Services column. After clicking, you need to work quickly as the phone number is only available for a few minutes.
Step 5: Enter the Virtual Phone Number into and Get Verified
On this page, you have to put a virtual phone number. You have also to Enter this information and watch the Message column for your verification code. Have some patience because it may take a few seconds, and don’t try to request another code because, if you send multiple requests to the virtual phone number, it will lead to result in an error and you’ll have to try again.
So, when you have received your verification code, then simply enter it into and you’ll be able to proceed with finalizing your new account.
Here, you will be asked to add a username and password to solve a security check that proves that you are a human. After putting it, you have to sign into your new account and start playing Blizzard’s games.
Well, if you want to bypass the Battle phone number then you have to follow the above-mentioned easy step-by-step guide. Once you have done it then you can easily enjoy playing different games without any hassle. So that’s all you need to know about How to bypass phone number. We hope this article will help you a lot!