7 Career Options For Cultural Studies Majors

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As our world becomes increasingly diverse and interconnected, the field of cultural studies has become more relevant than ever. Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines how culture shapes our society, from art and literature to politics and social movements.

As a cultural studies major, you have the opportunity to develop critical thinking and analytical skills that can be applied to a wide range of careers.

Government data estimates that the arts and culture industry added $1 trillion to the US GDP. They also made the largest contribution to the economy’s total worth compared to other sectors. With such a vast and thriving industry, the career options for cultural studies majors are plentiful. Let’s dive into the nine potential career paths to consider.

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant

In our increasingly interconnected world, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace has become essential. A DEI consultant with a Cultural Studies background can offer valuable insights to organizations about the advantages of workplace diversity, helping them cultivate inclusive environments and policies. Key aspects of a DEI consultant’s role include:

  • Identifying areas for improvement in workplace culture
  • Providing recommendations to enhance diversity and inclusion
  • Utilizing their understanding of cultural and societal issues

Additional qualifications enhance your credibility and expertise, making you an even more desirable candidate for organizations looking to create more inclusive workplaces. One such example is a DEI certification that can be a valuable asset for professionals seeking to further develop their skills in this area.

As a DEI consultant, you can drive meaningful change and contribute to a more equitable and diverse work environment.

2. Museum Curator

Museum curators play a pivotal role in preserving and showcasing our cultural heritage. As a Cultural Studies major, you possess the necessary expertise to excel in this field.

Museum curators may:

  • Manage and acquire artworks, artifacts, and historical items.
  • Utilize Cultural Studies knowledge to create captivating exhibits.
  • Research various cultural and historical aspects.
  • Educate the public through engaging presentations and programs.

Curators find employment in diverse settings, such as museums, galleries, or other cultural institutions. In this fulfilling career, you are responsible for accurately and effectively presenting historical and cultural narratives. You may instill an appreciation for the world’s cultural and historical diversity in others.

3. Arts Administrator

As an arts administrator, you are integral to the success and vitality of arts organizations, including theaters, galleries, and performing arts centers. You may make a long-lasting difference in your neighborhood’s cultural climate by drawing on your training in Cultural Studies.

Administrators in the arts are primarily responsible for the following:

  • Developing innovative programs and events
  • Managing budgets and allocating resources effectively
  • Overseeing marketing and promotional efforts

Your expertise in cultural trends and the role of arts in society allows you to support these organizations in their mission to connect with and inspire diverse audiences. You help make your community a better place to live by encouraging people to learn about and appreciate the arts.

4. Cultural Policy Analyst

Cultural policy analysts are crucial in shaping the policies and initiatives that influence culture, heritage, and the arts. Given your expertise in Cultural Studies, you possess the aptitude and abilities to impact this field significantly.

Key tasks of a cultural policy analyst include:

  • Researching and analyzing the effects of cultural policies on communities and institutions
  • Collaborating with government agencies or think tanks
  • Providing data-driven insights and recommendations

If you’re interested in shaping society via policy, being a cultural policy analyst is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. With everything you’ve learned, you may make the world a place where art, history, and culture are tolerated and celebrated.

5. Cultural Tourism Coordinator

The cultural tourism industry continues to expand as travelers seek authentic and immersive experiences. As a cultural tourism coordinator, you can utilize your Cultural Studies expertise to create unforgettable travel experiences.

Essential duties for this position include:

  • Designing and promoting culturally enriching travel experiences
  • Collaborating with local communities, businesses, and tourism organizations
  • Developing sustainable and engaging tourism offerings

Culture makes a place special, and highlighting that culture may help visitors feel more at home in their new surroundings. As a cultural tourism coordinator, your work allows you to share your passion for culture, supports local economies, and encourages cross-cultural understanding.

6. Community Outreach Coordinator

As a community outreach coordinator, you have the opportunity to bridge the gap between organizations and the communities they serve. Drawing on your Cultural Studies degree, you can significantly impact this role.

An important part of a community outreach coordinator’s job is to:

  • Develop and implement programs to foster positive relationships.
  • Address social issues and promote cultural awareness.
  • Create meaningful partnerships between organizations and diverse communities.

In this career, you have the power to bring about lasting social change and help organizations better understand and serve the communities they work with. By focusing on cultural awareness and addressing social issues, you can create an environment where organizations and communities benefit from stronger connections and a deeper appreciation of one another’s unique cultural backgrounds.

7. Public Relations Specialist

As a public relations (PR) specialist, you play a vital role in shaping an organization’s public image and fostering effective communication with diverse audiences.

Your Cultural Studies are invaluable in this profession, enabling you to:

  • Develop culturally sensitive messaging and campaigns
  • Work in various industries, including nonprofits, government agencies, and private corporations
  • Utilize strategic communication and cultural understanding skills

When you work in public relations, you contribute to the success of businesses by shaping public opinion and fostering meaningful connections between companies and their target audiences.


A degree in Cultural Studies opens up opportunities for those passionate about understanding and promoting culture in all its forms. The distinct career options highlighted in this article showcase the versatility and value of a Cultural Studies major.

Whether you work in academia, public relations, or the film industry, your unique skillset and knowledge will empower you to make a lasting impact on the world.

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