Secrets to Building Authentic Relationships with Your Instagram Followers

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Influencers are people who create and post promotional content. They have a huge and loyal social media following. Influencers are a helpful launching pad for brands searching for credibility and their presence in the industry. There are four types of Influencers:

  • Micro-Influencers
  • Mid-tier Influencers
  •  Macro Influencers
  •  Mega Influencers.

The main goal of the Influencer is to assist and gain publicity through various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Good Influencers know how to draw a crowd and engage with the audience. They tactfully use social media to their advantage and guide followers to the right content. A good influencer will have the power to drive more followers toward the products and services.

Due to their expertise and relationships with their followers, they play a vital role in the consumer’s decision-making process. A thoughtful approach and genuine efforts are required to build an authentic relationship with your Instagram Followers. Here are some secrets that will help maintain an authentic relationship with your Instagram Followers.

1. Respond to Comments and Direct Messages

The most important duty of the influencer is to take time to respond to the comments and direct messages of the followers. Research shows that maximum followers expect Influencers to respond within an hour of sending messages via social media. Turn on Instagram notifications to ensure not to miss any conversation.

Responding promptly to all the comments and direct messages will help satisfy the customers and build a good relationship. By answering their questions, Influencer will show genuine interest in the followers. To acknowledge the followers, the influencer should like the comments on posts.

2. Be True and Genuine

Influencers should portray an authentic picture of the brand and services to build a real connection with the followers. Their posts on Instagram should always be real and honest. The followers should see a genuine image of the brand and services. It will satisfy the followers and can lead to positive customer feedback.

3. Valuable Content

Influencers should create content that will draw the attention of the targeted audience. It should also provide valuable information to them. Share inspiring and entertaining posts to develop the interests of the relevant followers. Informative posts will lead to a high follower engagement rate and help build personal connections—valuable content in tips, tutorials, and advice. And inspiring stories are a powerful tool for building relationships with followers.

4. Consistency

Influencers should post at regular intervals and maintain a consistent brand voice. Post three to seven pieces of content in a week. Do not post twice a day, as it will divide the reach of the followers. When the followers will see consistent posts, they will feel more connected. Many Instagram features can automatically schedule Instagram posts at an optimal time.

5. Instagram Stories and Live Videos

The Influencer should use Instagram features like stories and live videos to show behind-the-scenes moments. They should encourage followers to respond to the stories through polls, emoji, sliders, and question stickers. Influencers can automatically respond to people who start conversations through the Instagram stories feature.

Storytelling humanizes the brand and allows the audience to connect deeply with the influencer. Through live videos, influencers can connect directly with their audience at a given time and build customer relationships. Live videos can also help in publicizing new product launches and feature releases. Influencers can run live questions and answers sessions with their followers. Instagram stories are a great way to build trust.

6. Appreciation and Gratitude

Influencers should appreciate and show gratitude to their followers for supporting them. They should acknowledge their comments, likes, and shares. They should also thank their followers for regularly engaging in their posts.

They should offer giveaways and discounts to their valuable followers. They should include their loyal customers in the product launch process. Hence they will build a good relationship with them.

7. Post High-Quality Stills and Videos

Influencers should post high-quality images which are appealing to the audience. Post only well-edited videos after following all steps. Influencers should share moments from their daily routine to make the brand famous. Posting behind-the-scenes videos to attract followers is an evergreen idea.

8. Use hashtags

According to the Instagram marketing strategy, Influencers should use at least one hashtag while posting content. Posts with at least one hashtag will receive more engagement than those without. You can use thirty hashtags per post. Hashtags will also help in increasing the number of new followers. Use the same hashtags again on each post. Your target audience will scan only those posts which will have relevant hashtags.

9. Collaboration

Influencers should collaborate with their followers. They should involve the followers in the content-creating process. Feature your followers in the live videos. Influencers can also ask their followers for their suggestions and opinions. Taking their recommendations will make them feel valued and important. Hence it will strengthen the relationship between the two of them.

Be Transparent

Influencers should always be transparent with their followers. They should share their successes and failures with them. The followers will relate personally if the influencer shares the challenging journey. Influencers should not present a picture-perfect facade to their followers; instead should show the audience their accurate picture.

 10. User-Generated Content (UGC):

An individual makes user-generated content to promote a brand or product. If the Influencer is doing a good job, their customers and audience will start creating content for them. This, in turn, will build a good relationship with followers. The Influencer should give incentives like giveaways, discounts on future products, etc. to the customers who upload product photos they purchased. Hence UGC is a potent tool for building authentic relationships with followers.

11. Interact with other Influencers

It is essential to follow other industry Influencers, experts, and leaders of the same business on Instagram. The influencer should like or comment on their posts. In this way, a new set of followers may see the comments and might follow in the future.

12. Follower’s Feedback

The Influencer should always pay attention to the feedback of the followers. They should make the content according to the preferences of the consumers. Adapt the content according to their needs. Try building a genuine relationship with your followers by listening to their needs and preferences. The followers should be asked to give product or customer service feedback. A better way to include the customer is by asking for their help and feedback in creating something new. This gesture will help win over new customers and retain the existing ones.

Pro tip

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Presently Instagram is one of the biggest social networking sites in the world. 80% of the shoppers are using Instagram to discover new products. To build trust and interest in the brand, the Influencer must build an excellent relationship with the followers.

Influencers on Instagram take time to build genuine relationships with their followers. There is no point in having an Instagram account for a business that is not growing. A lot of effort is required to run a business on Instagram successfully. The Influencer should make the audience feel valued and connected.


Inside the mind of an Instagram influencer striving to build genuine relationships with their followers, one finds authenticity, trust, empathy, community, and a focus on providing value. Furthermore, influencers foster a sense of community. They understand that their followers are passive consumers and active participants in their journey. They encourage engagement and create opportunities for their followers to connect.

Influencing has become the new age marketing technique for many businesses and people’s professional careers. The reason behind its popularity is that the influencers form a day-to-day personal connection with their target audience, which leads to building a harmonious bond with their followers. Engaging with the audience on social media is difficult since followers can be fickle-minded and have plenty of options.

Influencers should try to understand the type of audience they interact with and cater to their area of interest tactfully so that the followers get into the habit of constantly engaging with them. This, in return, would lead to building an everlasting relationship between them, and both groups would benefit from each other. “With grace and creativity, you can grow. Anything built in an unexperienced and inefficient way will eventually crumble and fall”. The secret behind building an authentic relationship with the followers is to be loyal and truthful towards them.

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