What is latency in gaming and how can it be reduced?

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Gamers can prevent latency for a better gaming experience. Gamers today need not only a high-tech console or desktop computer but also a super-fast broadband connection. When playing first-person shooter (FPS) games, latency must be kept to a minimum.

Most people use round journeys from transmitter to receiver and back to the receiver, namely the round trip; latency refers to the time it takes for a signal that travels from a transmitter to a receiver. 

While data downloads might appear to be instant, they do have a finite speed, whether moving over the air (at the speed of light or any other radio wave) or it can be through a copper wire (where the theoretical maximum is 2/3rds the speed of light, but that would be for an ideal wire). 

Lower latency is preferable, especially for gaming, yet while ISPs brag about their download speeds, they do not mention latency.

A low latency rate is critical to scoring crucial shots that lead to wins and tournament points, regardless of whether you get the most powerful gaming hardware and the fastest internet bundle with the greatest advertised speed for your studio.

Low latency, high speeds, and assured service are solid business decisions for professional gamers.

 A significant difference between high and low latency

The more technical term for the lag is latency, which refers to when you experience response delays when gaming. The time lag is caused by high latency, which makes gaming less pleasurable. Low latency is great because it means you’ll have a more enjoyable gaming experience. 

What is a good latency speed?

In general, latency is also called ping. A latency of 40–60 milliseconds (ms) or less is regarded as acceptable; however, a latency of more than 100ms will cause considerable lag in gaming.

Essentially, you want your gaming device’s ping to the internet server to be as near to 0ms as feasible, as this indicates that one device responds quickly to another.

Causes of latency

There are several causes of latency that you may suffer while playing a game. Some of the well-known causes are as follows:

Geographical location

 Physical distance is one of the causes of latency that a gamer may experience between your internet router and the server. If we look at this example, If you live in Chicago, you may prefer a server located in the Chicago-land area rather than New York, as this will lessen the amount of time data travels between you and the server.

Type of internet connection

Low or high latency can be affected by the sort of internet connection you have. DSL, cable, and fiber internet are all capable of providing lag-free online gaming.


It’s possible that you’re using an outdated router with an unstable connection. If you have a lot of individuals connected to your router at the same time, this is very common. By switching to a new router, you may be able to reduce gaming latency.

How to improve latency in gaming?

If you’re having trouble with latency and it’s harming your gameplay, try these tips that help you to improve latency:

Close any programs that aren’t in use

Other huge apps, such as music or video software, maybe consume your internet bandwidth and slow down your gaming. Try to close them.

Perform a gaming latency test

 Latency can also be improved by performing an internet speed test gaming to find out latency test what your ping is before altering any of your gear.

Make use of a wired connection, such as an Ethernet cable

A direct connection from your network to your gaming device could provide a more consistent gaming signal. You can have an unstable connection if you have a lot of people using the WiFi in your house. A wired connection can help with speed and latency.

Keep a safe distance from the router

If your router is on the other side of the house and you’re trying to play your game, you might notice a slower connection. If you want to boost the strength of your connection while gaming, go closer to the router, or get a WiFi extender to extend the internet to other sections of the house.

Play on a Local Server

Local servers can considerably reduce the latency by playing on a server in your nation or on the other side of your country. It’s best if the server is close to you.

 Restart your router

When a router has been on and in use for a long time, it might become overworked. Restarting your router might improve latency and refresh your internet connection. You’ll have a Linksys router if you’re a Gigaclear client, and you can discover how to restart it here.

 Replace your router

 Old routers can affect your connection strength, speed, and reliability. A router optimized for gaming can be the best choice. Gameplay routers have unique characteristics that improve all of the necessary gaming conditions (including internet speed, ping rates, and latency).

One particular feature is Quality of Service (QoS), which allows you to prioritize the internet traffic on your console to get the best gaming experience.

How does latency affect gaming?

Latency is one of the essential elements that influence network speed. Latency, often known as ping rate, is usually measured in milliseconds (ms). Excessive latency causes network bottlenecks, which prohibit data from flowing freely and reduce effective bandwidth.


We have concluded the best points that help you find the causes of latency and how you can get rid of it. With this simple approach, you should be able to reduce latency and improve your entire gaming experience.

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