The Best Guide To Learning Web Design And SEO

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A new website is built every 4 seconds and there are over 1.5 billion websites in existence. There are also over a million new internet users every single day, which clearly shows that the internet and internet usage is still rapidly growing. As a result, learning to design websites and do search engine optimization are critical skills that will certainly pay off in the long run. 

One of the best ways to learn how to build a website is to actually dive headfirst into designing and building one. You can start with a blog and play around with the different settings and features to figure out what works. Be sure to also spend time inspecting the code so that you can understand how things work and you can become more familiar with it. One of the best platforms to start with is Thrive Themes since they have beautiful and modern themes that you can easily install and customize. They allow you to quickly learn how to design on WordPress since they have dozens of tutorials that you can follow. This platform is very intuitive and you’ll be able to build gorgeous pages in no time at all. 

Next, another way to learn web design is to study HTML and CSS. By learning these two programming languages you’ll be better able to create beautiful and responsive websites. There are many resources you can use to learn these languages such as books, online courses and even websites such as Code Academy, Lynda, W3Schools, etc. You can even use YouTube to learn as there are thousands of helpful tutorials you can follow. 

Learning website design isn’t complete without also learning search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is all about optimizing a website so that it ranks at the top of the Google result pages. This is important because users don’t typically go past the first or second page on Google when searching for information. So, if your website isn’t organically ranked on one of the first spots of the first page, then you likely won’t get many visitors to your website. 

There are many places where you can learn SEO, however, do note that this field changes very fast since Google is always updating its algorithm. As a result, you should only learn from well-known and respected SEOs such as Matt Diggity, Gael Breton, Craig Campbell, Rand Fishkin, Spencer Haws, etc. Most of these respected SEOs have their own courses and blogs where you can easily learn their SEO techniques and strategies

In addition to learning from SEO experts, you also need to do your own testing. By actually building your own websites and applying the SEO principles you learn, you’ll be able to figure out SEO and see what works. This type of experience is invaluable and worth more than any SEO course on the market. 

To wrap things up, these are a few ways you can learn web design and search engine optimization. Once you start learning the basics and applying what you know, you’ll be able to learn at an exponential rate and drastically improve your skills.

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