[Tips 2023] How To Switch Monitor 1 And 2?

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If you want to know that how you can switch monitor 1 and 2 on your single prime display. So we must say, it is a very simple method to switch the displays. Our following guide will show how to switch monitors 1 and 2. So you just need to read this guide carefully. So that you can do it easily.

How to Switch Monitor 1 and 2?

If you have two monitors on your single setup, each will have a number, monitor 1 and monitor 2. The numbers depend on the division of the ports that the monitors are connected to. You can connect one of the monitors as your primary display and the other monitor as the secondary one.  

When you decree multiple displays on your setup, it will help boost your having multiple monitors on your setup helps boost your ability to the product as it makes to do multi tasks at a time. 

To switch the Monitor is vital to act in several instances. For example, many screens are shared, and also video conferencing software prioritizes your monitor numbering over the setting of the display. Now the question is that how can you switch monitor 1 and 2?

How to Set Up monitors 1 and 2?

We have explained the step-by-step guide to set up your primary monitor, so use the following process when you plan to switch monitors 1 and 2:

  • First of all, you need to right-click anywhere on the empty desktop with no type of icons, apps, or programs.
  • Then you should select the “display setting” on the drop-down menu. You can see this option at the bottom of the display settings menu, then next to the monitor icon.
  • Here you can find graphical shapes in which the two monitors will be shown.
  • Now you have to select the monitor, which you want to be set as the primary display
  • When you choose it, go down to the screen’s bottom and choose the option of  “make this my primary display”
  • If the setting is done, the screen that you want to set as the primary monitor is already set. 
  • If you want to change the primary monitor to another monitor, then you need to choose the one at the top and go to the option of “Make this my main display” 
  • At last, you need to press the button “Apply” to use the new settings and swap the displays.

How you can switch the numbers of Monitor on Windows 10?

If you want to switch the monitor numbers on windows 10, then you should use the following steps:

  • First of all, you have to disconnect the monitors on your setup except for the primary monitor. Then you need to change the ports that each port is connected to.
  • As we know that changing the ports of each monitor is not all that is required to do. You’ll need to finish the registry keys that recall the displays, it will help in Windows recognition of the new setup order of the monitors. Just remember to disconnect all the monitors that you have not divided as the primary display. For example, you can use your laptop monitor as your primary display but you have to disconnect other monitors.
  • Now go to the registry editor and Open it. Then you have to go to the Windows search bar and put “reedit.” Now Go to the search results and press the “registry editor”.
  • Next, you should go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemcurrentControlSetControlGraphicsdrivers. Or you can also copy and paste it on the address bar that will be found at the top of the registry editor and click “Enter”.

To go to the address you can use the following steps which are mentioned below:

  • Firstly, Go to the left panel and press the  “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”
  • now double-click on the “System”
  • here you can see the “Current Control Set” folder, double-click on it
  • then Double-click “Control”
  • At last, double-click the folder of “Graphics Drivers”.

If you want to delete the configuration key then you should require to restore it if something goes wrong. Therefore, you can rename it to “configuration. Old” instead to delete it.

  • In order to rename it, first go to the left panel and press on the folder “Configuration”.
  • Now Type “configuration. Old” and then click “Enter”

If it does not work then go back to the folder “Configuration. Old” and rename it to “Configuration” in order to restore the previous settings.

  •  Then you need to rename the “Connectivity” key to “connectivity. Old”.
  • On the left panel, right-click the folder “Connectivity” and then press the option of “rename”.
  • Next should type “connectivity. Old” and press the option of “Enter”.
  •  It’s time to turn off your PC. You should click on the Windows Start menu and press the Power button and then choose the option of “Shut down.” 
  • Next, you can connect the display you want to use as the number 1 monitor after shutting down your pc. Make sure that you have connected the monitor to the primary video port on the PC. 

How you can set the Primary Display on a Multi-Monitor Mac Setup? 

If you have a multi-monitor Mac setup, you can switch the monitors with a higher resolution as the primary display. 

You just need to do some setting. Before starting the setting, must sure both monitors are turned on, and the external monitor is also connected to the Mac. 

To set up the primary display, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to the Apple menu then open the system preferences
  • press the Display icon and choose the “Arrangement” tab
  • a white bar will appear just click and hold the white bar
  • next, you need to Drag the bar across to the display
  • here you’ll see a red border that assists you in choosing the monitor to use as your primary option 
  • After releasing the white bar on the other display, there will be two monitors flicker on and off shortly. After that, the video output will adjust accordingly to work with the new settings of the display.
  • When the new primary display settings are done, then close the System Preferences and keep them set.

The process will help you turn any external monitor into the primary display.


However, if you have a multi-monitor setup, you can switch the monitor 1 and 2 you use as the primary display. You can also set up the primary display on windows 10. We have explained all the processes, you can follow our guide to switch monitors 1 and 2. The method of switching the monitors is quite simple, and you’ll be done in a very short time to follow our guide. Hopefully, this article will help you a lot!

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