BrowserAnimationsModule in Angular
BrowserAnimationsModule is used to add the animation in your angular application. As with most Angular features, the best place to start is with an example. Which will let me introduce…
BrowserAnimationsModule is used to add the animation in your angular application. As with most Angular features, the best place to start is with an example. Which will let me introduce…
compodoc id a documentation tool for your angular project. compodoc generate your documentation within a minute for your project. compodoc is a tool where the developer can generate documentation and…
The ngTemplateOutlet directive is used to repeat a block of content at a specified location. This can be useful when you need to generate the same content in different places…
The routerLinkActive is an instruction to add the active class of CSS when an element routerlink is active. The angular routerLinkActive attribute, which is used to specify a CSS class…
What is angularfiredatabase Angularfiredatabase means used fire database libraries in the angular project for the store and syncing the data at run time. Angularfiredatabase is best for the angular project.…
angularfire2 is used for angular 2 applications. angularfire2 is the real-time database. Firebase is a Google product that provides the development (web and mobile application platform) platform for the developer…