Why Is My Razer Headset Mic Not Working?

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The headset is considered one of the most important parts of human life and headsets have considered an important part of life when it comes to enjoying your favorite movie, a song, your favorite game, or anything that supports sound.

 If we are talking about headsets, then, in this case, Razer headsets are the most popular and largely used by people. But in recent days many players reports that the Razer mic is not working and many reports related to the Razer mic not working are occurring by players and its users.

It’s really very frustrating that you brought the headset so you could talk to your friends, families, and to other people on it, but you can’t! because your Razer headset is not working.

Sometimes your razer headset does not work for many reasons and we can’t understand, that what is happening with my headset! But don’t worry you’re not alone who face this problem there are many other users who have had the same problem of their Razer headset mic not working.

Players are wondering about how to fix the mic issue on our razer mic and want to solve this issue if you also want to fix this issue on your razer mic, so don’t worry, here are all the solutions to fix your Razer mic issue that you need to know.

How can we fix the Razer mic not working issues?

If you are having trouble hearing the chat audio or playing your favorite games with sound while using the Razer Headset, or if your friend circle is unable to hear you, you can try the following best and easy solutions, so that you can talk to your friends. But first must check whether your headset is not muted before you start checking your Razer mic not working problems and try to resolve them.

Try to Uninstall all Razer related Software

Sometimes software updates carry a number of glitches and this may be because of many problems in your headset such as your headset mic not working. Try this to resolve your issue quickly:

  • Firstly press Windows + R and after that type “appwiz.cpl” in the dialogue box and press Enter carefully. 
  • Then here you will find all the applications installed on your computer easily. 
  • Now, you should right-click on all Razer software, and after that uninstall the software one by one.
  • Once you have to uninstall all this software, then restart your computer again and check if your razer headset problem is solved or not.

Check if Your Mic is active

  • Now you should right-click on your “sound” icon present in your taskbar and then select “Properties”.
  • Now, choose the “recording” tab on the desktop. Here, select the razer device that you are using from the list of options in your compute, right-click it, and then set it as the default device. 
  • Then, you can disable all the other microphones from your computer.
  • Must press Apply to save changes. 
  • Now you could right-click on the microphone and then select “Properties” in the taskbar.
  • Then navigate to the Advanced tab from the taskbar and select the lowest default format available to the window. You can observe, that it will probably be “2 channels, 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)”.
  • Once all the changes are done then restart your computer again, reconnect your headsets and check if your raiser headset problem is resolved.

Must Check Your Computer hardware

When you have tried all the solutions mentioned above but your razer headset mic still does not work, So it means that there is a hardware problem in your system. Here you can choose to buy a new product to resolve your issue, or you can simply try checking for your headset issues. You must aware that a hardware fault not only covers your ports but you must include your Mic’s jacks in it. Make sure that the jack you include is in working condition. You can also remove the USB port if you want and replace it with a cord that has also audio jacks.

Why did I find my mic suddenly stop working?

Firstly checks your mic by trying your microphone on other computers (or applicable audio devices) and then other microphones on your computer. So that, you can determine if the problem is with your microphone itself or the current host of your computer. And after that, you should reinstall the applicable audio drivers. Download from different manufacturer’s websites to confirm, reinstall, configure, and test.

Why does my Razer mic sound bad?

Ans:  No sound, poor audio, or uneven balance, all these kinds of issues on your Razer headset are possibly caused by the following actions: Dirt or debris in audio ports and also on the audio jack. It may be caused by an Improperly plugged audio jack. 

How can I test my Razer headset mic?

 Firstly in your window, you should have an app called a voice recorder. Must search your computer for this app or to find this app, and after that, once you launch this app, after that you can record your voice using your headset easily and properly.

How do I fix my mic on Android phone?

Following are the ways to Fix Mic Not Working on your Android Phone

  1. Firstly, Check your Microphone.
  2. Then restart Your Phone.
  3. After that check If Phone Protection Covers Mic.
  4. Check for your connected devices.
  5. Clean your Microphone.
  6. Remove Third-party Apps from your android.
  7. Finally, update the Software.


To conclude we can say that problems in the razer headset mic maybe occur and you are not only one who faced their issues, but all players also face these kinds of issues in their headset. And that there are also solutions to resolve your headset issues if to try to find an easy solution.

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