Why Does My Computer Keeps Crashing?

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Suppose you want to find out how and why your computer keeps crashing and freezing. Then this article is for you. It is pretty standard, and sometimes it’s hard to determine what is causing a problem. So we’re going to tell you some simple reasons on how to find those issues quickly.

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Computer Keeps Crashing

  1. Hardware Conflicts

    Sometimes this can cause random crashes and freezing and also blue screens and stuff like that. So always check with the compatibility list and make sure all the hardware is compatible. Also, make sure everything is inserted correctly.
    And another big problem these days is the introduction of cheap hardware from China. Solidus may not be on the compatibility list for some big major companies like issues gigabyte MSI. Some of these more inexpensive brand RAM sticks that you can find may not play well with that motherboard. And you could end up having issues.
    It may boost, but you could run into problems and end up with blue screens when you use XMP or something like that. Or even no posts and boots issues and stuff like that with that type of hardware. So be very careful when you’re buying your hardware.

  2. Dust and Overheating

    Your computer needs to breathe as you do and if it’s clay to dust. It will stop airflow, and it can cause significant overheating problems. Unfortunately, it is a widespread problem. And people don’t keep their PCs clean enough. So you want to blow it out and get rid of all of the dust inside of there. And make sure that it’s not overheating.

  3. Efficient Cooling or Failing CPU Cooler

    You may also have other issues which are causing overheat in this world. So like not enough thermal paste or the thermal paste is growing out. Or maybe you’re pushing your overclocks and putting too much voltage through, and you’re getting some random crashes. And it’s overheating.
    So check for all those things. You can check the HW monitor for temperatures and voltage and all that sort of good stuff. And try to keep within the parameters of that particular type of hardware.

  4. Overclocking

    It is probably one of the biggest causes of this where people push too much voltage through the CPU. Or they’re just moving their hardware far too far, and it causes a lot of instability. And you’ll get a lot of blue screens and crashing and things like that.
    So take care when you’re doing overclocking. You can overclock if you wish, but make sure you follow the simple rule of thumb is not pushing too much voltage through the hardware you’ll use. Because if you do, you’re going to shorten a life at our hardware and cause a lot of instability.

  5. Motherboard or CPU Defect

    These are probably the most tricky to find out which is going bad first. I usually would start to look towards the motherboard. If you are overclocking or you’re doing things like that is possible that you have caused some major hardware problems.
    But in most cases, I would generally point towards the motherboard, but that’s not to rule out that it isn’t the CPU altogether. So it checks all the sockets themselves. Make sure you check the pins if you are buying hardware that she’s used. Make sure you run some stability tests to make sure everything is running okay.
    Now you can use prime95, which will push the CPU to the maximum of its capabilities.

  6. Hard Drive Failing

    It is another common problem when hard drives start to fail. You will get locking up freezing blue screens and also just random crashes. Even loss of data can be another cause of these drives going bad. When you start seeing problems, you need to investigate further.
    Now you can use programs like crystal disk info, and usually, this is an excellent indicator of when your hard drive is starting to fail. Whether it be an SSD or a mechanical drive, you can check the intelligent readings of that drive. And then begin to determine Harold the drive is how much power on count hours It’s got much power on times. It’s been done and a bunch of other information like bad sectors and things like that.
    You’ll get caution signs with temperature warnings and reallocated sector counts rule read error rate, and things like that. You will get horrible messages if the drive is starting to fail. Then you may want to do a test with something like C tools for Windows, which will generally do a sector-by-sector test of that drive. You may as well try and get the data off and replace the drive.

  7. Malware

    Malware can cause significant problems with computers. And if you’ve got malware on your PC and you don’t know whether you’ve got it. It would help if you started thinking about running some scams, and yes, I did say the word scans and not scan.
    I see so many people telling people just to run Malwarebytes, and that is not enough. It will help if you run different scans. If you start detecting malware on your system, there’s going to be more malware on there.
    Now Malwarebytes is pretty good, but you need to run other scans and Malwarebytes to ensure that you’ve got every piece of malware off of that computer. Now, this could be Trojans this could be and where it could be a rootkit. There could be all sorts of stuff on your system, and you need to make sure that it’s all removed.

  8. Installation of Software and Games

    The next one is going to be related to software and games. Now sometimes, when you’re installing the software, you may have installed some software on the system, and it may be causing a problem. So you want to go to add and remove programs and remove that latest piece of software that you installed from the system.
    Usually, this resolves a lot of problems. But, unfortunately, some people even try to install far too much security like antivirus programs, which can also cause some problems. And thankfully, in 2020, that problem has sort of been resolved a little bit because it will notify you and tell you that you’ve already got pieces of security software on your system. But it’s still possible to happen.

  9. Corrupt or Outdated Drivers

    It can cause significant problems and also very difficult to detect. Now patch my PC will check your PC for any outdated drivers. And you will be able to download then and install those particular updates. Even old versions of Windows 10 that you may be using may be causing problems.
    So it may be time to roll out their update to the latest version, and even when you have rolled out that latest update to the latest version on Windows 10, that can still because some problems which you may want to think about considering rolling back.
    If you have issues after you’ve done the latest update and number one is the blue screen of death, you can check the dump files with OCR online. You’ll be able to sign up and upload your mini dump files

  10. Corrupt Registry

    Sometimes they corrupt Windows registry, or corrupt windows files can cause problems running tools like SFC spaceport/scan. They’re inside an elevated command prompt will give you a clue of whether your operating system is in good health and whether it is any problems. So running a full in-depth scan wouldn’t usually detect corrupt files.
    Instead, you can use some command that usually has many other features inside here that can run, which will generally determine whether you’ve got any corrupt files.


So if you have a problem with crashing with your computer, then check these factors. The reason for your computer crash will belong to these reasons. So after removing these problems, you can get your solution to computer crashing.

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