Why Do Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools?

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An excellent academic writing recipe includes many ingredients in it. This includes a plagiarism-free approach, lots of research, and writing sentences to portray your skills as a writer. However, 40% of students admit that they plagiarized content when writing assignments.

Some state the primary reasons as lack of time, subject understanding, or just having no motivation. Regardless, this doesn’t give an excuse to plagiarize content. On the other hand, compromised quality is yet another reason many students fail.

So, how does a paraphrasing tool fit into this story? Since an AI-based tool has many helpful elements, it can elevate, improve, or deviate the content just enough to ensure students can make the most of their time.

Therefore, let’s dive in and find out why students need such rephrasers today:

What Is A Paraphrasing Tool? How Does It Work?

A paraphraser is a remarkable tool that can rewrite or revamp content upon the user’s behest. This tool works on a user’s prompt, as it can change content according to the requirement. Here’s an example of a free paraphrasing tool:

Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

Here, you can see three main options:

  • Text Improver
  • Near Human
  • Plagiarism Remover

Each one of these options can help you recreate your content according to your requirements. The first option, which is to improve the content, will make enough changes to ramp up the content. In other words, it will deviate the content from the original form but will improve it slightly.

The near human option on this tool is meant to recreate content from scratch. While the text’s idea will remain the same, it will ensure that your content is recreated into new and original wording.

Plagiarism remover; the final option will allow you to remove any duplicity- as the name suggests. That’s why it’s important to understand which of these options you should be using. But how does it all work? How does a paraphrasing tool pull it off? Here are the three central pillars of a good rephrase tool:

NLP Elements

NLP or natural language processing is a binary translator, which helps machines understand our language. It’s a branch of computer science and AI through which a computer reads and comprehends the language used in the content.

Rewriting Capabilities

Based on NLP reading, a tool then decides the next course of action. These actions include using deviating synonyms, alternative phrases, and terms to rewrite or rephrase content enough.

Avoiding Plagiarism

The main purpose of a rephraser for many people today is to remove plagiarism. Rewriting the original content and then citing the source is one of the most common practices among students and professional writers.

4 Reasons Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

In order to understand the importance of a paraphrasing tool’s help, here are four significant reasons students need them:

1. Improving Content Quality

Content quality and integrity are two of the major factors in any academic writing. If a student achieves this, then their grades will increase significantly. That’s why they need a rephraser to help them get over the line.

2. Rewriting For Better Delivery

Whenever a student gets feedback from their educators, improving content delivery is one of the responses. If you get such a response from your teacher, you can use a rephrasing tool to rewrite for better content delivery.

3. Enhancing Content’s Tone

A paraphraser isn’t only ideal for changing or switching content up because it can also give your writing a facelift. If you think your content isn’t up to mark, use such tools to rephrase it online. Chances are, you will be seeing a significant increase in your content’s tone.

4. Avoiding Plagiarism

Removing plagiarism is one of the most common uses of a paraphraser. Since they reword content and deviate it from the original, they can be vital in removing plagiarism and helping you cite accordingly.

How Should You Use A Paraphrase Tool?

Using a paraphrase tool is a straightforward affair. You paste your content and let the tool do its job. However, a viable tool will present you with various options and goal-centric paraphrasing tactics, such as this:

Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

As you can see, these three options include text improver, near human, and plagiarism removal. These three options can help us rephrase sentences to improve integrity or avoid plagiarism.

Therefore, how should you use it according to your goals? To understand that, it’s imperative that we understand the tool’s working, so let’s just do that:

1. Paraphrase To Improve Quality

Paraphrasing content to ensure quality and improve integrity might not be a new practice. However, with the constant evolution of AI & NLP, such paraphrasing tools online keep on improving. Besides rewriting content, you can use a tool like this as a synonym changer.

In other words, if you think your content needs a facelift, then you can paraphrase to improve quality, akin to this:

Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

Notice how well the content rephraser has changed the original content? On the right-hand side, you can see the content has become text with much better delivery. It’s using easier words, more straightforward terms, and an overall easier premise.

Why does this improve quality? One, it improves readability by using common words. Then, it uses terms and phrases to better describe the idea portrayed in this paragraph.

2. Rewrite To Improve Integrity

The integrity of your content depends on three major elements, such as:

  • Sentence flow
  • Transition
  • Idea portrayal, or how well the sentences convey the point

These factors are vital in ensuring the integrity of the content. So, when you reword a sentence with a tool, here’s what you get:

Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

If you compare these two paragraphs, you can see the clear difference between them. For instance, not only is the one on the right-hand side much clearer, it’s flowing much more fluently.

Moreover, compared to the original text, on the left-hand side, you can notice the reworded content is transitioning much more smoothly as well. Proving how well a rewriter can improve the integrity of your content.

3. Remove Plagiarism To Ensure Originality

Perhaps the most important way a student needs to use a paraphrasing tool is to remove plagiarism. Here’s how:

Students Need Help From Paraphrasing Tools

This particular setting called “Plagiarism Remover” can help you rewrite your content to avoid any plagiarism claims.


These are some of the reasons for using a free paraphrasing tool to achieve these objectives. So, pick a viable tool, bear your goal in mind, and rewrite accordingly.

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