Different text formatting tags are available in HTML for style your text like as bold, italic, underline, overline, etc. These all the text formating is helped users to define our point as well and easily other people can understand. Different tags are used to format the text.
Here are different tags to format text are as follows:
This tag is used to display text in boldface style. This has an opening tag and a closing tag.
<p>This is tag use for text in <b> bold face </b></p>
This is tag use for text in boldface.
This tag is used to display text in italic style. It is the opening tag (<i>) tag and closing tag(</i>). Be like this……
<p>This is tag use for text in <i>italic face</i></p>
This is tag use for text in italic face
This tag is used to display text as underline. This tag has an opening tag (<u>) and a closing tag (</u>). Be like this……
<p>This is tag use for text in <u>Underlined text looks prominent</u></p>
This is tag use for text in Underlined text looks prominent.
This tag is used to display text as superscript like. This tag has an opening tag (<sup>) and a closing tag (</sup>). Be like this…..
This tag is used to display text as a subscript like. This tag has an opening tag <sub> and closing tag </sub>. Be like this…..
Text Formatting Tags Attributes:
These tags have no important attributes.
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