Quick Guide To Generating Quality Leads From LinkedIn

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Almost 60% of marketers generating quality leads from LinkedIn. For many years marketers works on generating leads as their priority. No doubt, it is a big challenge for them.  Turning leads into beneficial customers is not an easy task, but it is a very good thing that will help you, so just say thanks to digital marketing apps, social media platforms, and automation software. 

You’re not limited to your traditional offline customer. You have a worldwide range to achieve your goals. By using lead generation services, you will be able to make significant progress in your field, you can fully take advantage of all the opportunities which are provided by digital marketing channels.

Infect, almost 630 million people worldwide use LinkedIn.  There are almost 9 to 10% of people, which are decision-makers – some people who choose whether to do partnership or not with a new agency, buy a new product or invest in a new service. And if you want to reach these people, so you can find them on LinkedIn.

If you haven’t been using LinkedIn to generate leads, so don’t waste your time. We are just here to help you in generating leads from LinkedIn, just need to read carefully the right steps, below!

There are some basic factors that will help you to generate leads from LinkedIn, these are mentioned below:

Optimize the Profile

If you think that your website will not generate leads, so you need to check out if the homepage was poorly laid-out or not, maybe your homepage didn’t contain the right information. If your LinkedIn profile isn’t looking for purpose, then what does it make difference how many high-profile decision-makers are on the platform – no one will buy from you?

So, you need an effective profile. But the question is that what does an effective, optimized profile looks like? What improvements should you do to generate leads on LinkedIn?

  1. Consider your target audience.
  2. Provide the right information they need to see when they visit your profile.
  3. Use the keywords which the audience will be looking out for to access the product.
  4. Use eye-catching heading
  5. Use just all the questions to inform the copy on the page
  6. Choose a relevant profile image.

Understand the Value of Your Leads

It is very important to understand the real quality of the audience you are accessing, and you must measure the long-term value of that lead. It is wrong to think that if you cast a wide net, then it will always guarantee quality. You must ask these questions in your mind before you launch your campaign:

  1. How do you define a sales conversion?
  2. How long is the sales cycle?
  3. What is a quality lead for you?
  4. Are you going to use marketing automation tools?
  5. How are leads nurtured?

When you’ve launched your campaign, don’t forget to have the tools to measure the quality of your leads. Because it will help you to understand the real quality of the audience, you can also use the Conversion Tracking of LinkedIn.

Use Ads to Generate Leads

Don’t waste your time and focus on advertising, it is very useful to generate quality leads from LinkedIn. The rate of LinkedIn’s lead conversion rates are much higher than other major ad platforms, so you have to spend money. You can also upload an existing audience that is using your own list of names and email addresses. And you can also build a new one using LinkedIn’s comprehensive filters, like skills, the size of the company, the level of education, location, seniority, traits, and interests.

Join Group conversations

A social network is a strong platform to generate quality leads from LinkedIn. Company pages indeed see an average post engagement rate of about 0.054%.

An amazing way to get more interest from the audience on your posts without paying for the privilege is to post in LinkedIn Groups.  There you can find themed groups that users can opt into based on their professional interests.  You just need to Share relevant and valuable content in these groups.

Use of Tools

There are a lot of tools that exist to take some of the legwork out of the LinkedIn lead-generating efforts. Here are the most useful tools:

  • Sales Navigator
  • LinkedIn Pulse
  • LinMailPro
  • ProFinder
  • retrospect

Build Relationships

Building relationship is an amazing strategy for generating quality leads. The first thing is to strike up a conversation. You need to send a custom connection request, and follow it with an InMail message that compels them to respond. There are many interesting questions to have a conversation with another person to build a nice relationship. Such as:

  • Did you go to the same school?
  • Did you grow up in the same city?
  • Do you support the same cricket team?
  • Do you have a mutual connection?

What Is Lead Generation & Why Is It Important?

Lead generation is an action or a process to get the interest of potential customers in order to increase future sales of your products. It is an action to gain interest in your brand. Lead Generation is very important because Lead generation can help you to drive traffic from high-quality prospects. And no doubt, with the high-quality prospects there will come high-value customers.


LinkedIn is an absolute perfect to lead generation tool and good prospects are itching to learn about the benefits of your product. That’s all, you need to know. This quick and easy guide will help you to generate quality leads from LinkedIn. You just need to take the right steps at the right time. But if you want to see positive results in your business, you need to be patient, focus on your work and manage to lead generation strategy, and make necessary changes as needed. We hope so, this article will help you a lot.

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