12 Easy Ways to generate awesome content ideas for websites

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One of the most time-consuming responsibilities for a content marketer is coming up with new content ideas for website. Wouldn’t it be great to have a long list of themes to draw from while creating content?

You can do a few things to build up a library of new content ideas swiftly. Save your thoughts in a spreadsheet so you can focus on creating rather than pondering.

Before you begin writing, lay the groundwork for your material, and here are three important items to remember.

1. Define Your Purpose

Understanding the objective of copy is the single most crucial thing for every copywriter. Knowing your final aim from the start will help you create the ideal piece of content and a compelling call-to-action statement (I’ll go over CTAs in more detail in Writing Tips).

The copy’s goal is to complement the company’s objectives. So, discover your responses to the following questions:

  • Is the website to sell a product or a service?
  • Is it primarily concerned with growing traffic to increase advertising revenue or sponsorships?
  • Is it your goal to attract new consumers and generate leads?
  • Is it more important to get subscribers or to establish a community?

2. Understand Your Target Audience

Assume your primary purpose is to sell. The more information you have on your prospects, the more likely they are to convert into paying clients. The only way to decide the best selling methods is to understand your audience.

To write copy that entices potential customers, you must first understand their mindset:

  • Who are the visitors to your website?
  • What types of issues do they want to address?
  • What terms would they use in a search engine?

You can begin to create a trusting relationship with your visitors if you learn to write in the same way they speak or search. They may become your loyal audience and clients if you answer their precise questions.

3. Know Your Competitors

It’s also a good idea to look at the websites of your competitors. Visitors to your website are likely to be thinking about the competition as well, so you’ll need to decide whether to offer identical information or branch out and offer something distinct. Research can help you spot trends among competitors and get a leg up on the competition.

The simplest approach to do this is to search Google for your primary product, service, or topic, see which sites are ranking, and research what they are doing:

  • What is the main benefit that they provide?
  • What kind of information do they feature on their homepages – success stories, movies, or statistics?
  • What type of audience are they aiming for?

The content on your website is its magnet, and it’s without a doubt the most important tool for attaining your company’s marketing goals. Whether you’re planning a complete website redesign or simply making improvements to your current site, having a solid content strategy in place is essential.

Let’s move on to the sources of content inspiration! 

4. General Forums (Quora, Yahoo!, etc.)

Quora is one of the first places I go for ideas for titles. It’s a huge message board where people ask one other questions about everything and everything. Enter in the topic your readers are interested in or the name of your sector to begin getting questions to turn into content.

content ideas for websites
Image From Pexels

5. Industry-Specific Forums

Forums may be a little outdated in today’s Internet world, but they remain popular. They’re one of the simplest ways to converse with folks online in the same way that you would in person. People communicate, ask and answer questions, and engage in a range of other activities.

6. Online Communities (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

Social media groups, like specialized forums, exist. People discuss their occupations, pastimes, and favorite topics. Look for groups that have many questions and responses in your sector. Look for groups that don’t allow a lot of sharing of articles. The majority of these are spam.

7. Popular Titles and Topics in Industry Publications

Find the sites in your industry that offer the most up-to-date news, trends, advice, and anything else your readers are interested in. Look for articles with the most interaction, such as comments, shares, and views.

You’ll get a sense of what’s popular and what’s trending. Create articles on those issues and offer a unique perspective or expand on what’s already been said.

8. Comment Sections in Industry Publications

Comments can be found on industry publication websites. The people that leave comments are your target audience, so pay attention to what they’re saying. Because writers do not, and cannot, cover every aspect of a topic in a single piece, readers will occasionally have questions. Look for those questions and respond to them using the information you have.

9. People You Follow on Social Media

Make a list of the people who would be great readers for your website. Typically, this is a list of your best or ideal customers. Keep an eye on them and the content they interact with. Please take a look at what they’ve posted, answered, and so on. Those are some of the themes you could write about in your post.

10. Hashtags on social media

It took a long time for me to start utilizing hashtags in my social media posts, and even longer for me to start following hashtags.

Your ideal fans aren’t always going to follow you. However, famous industry hashtags can still help you find them. It’s how things are.

Look for popular articles, buzzwords, and questions using the hashtags. 

11. SlideShare

SlideShare is a type of internet content that exists in its category. It’s a tremendously popular site with slide decks for almost every sector imaginable. Find the most popular decks by searching for your industry. Create content that expands on the hot topics or offers your unique perspective.

12. YouTube: Videos from the Industry

YouTube may inspire you in a variety of ways. Finding the most popular videos from your sector, which could be how-to videos, trend videos, news videos, or whatever, is the ideal method. Then check for those with a lot of views, comments, and other forms of engagement, and you’ll know which themes to focus on with your content.


While you may experience writer’s block sometimes, you should never have trouble coming up with new content ideas. There are numerous resources available to you. At the same time, come up with a long list of new ideas. You won’t have any trouble if you read through this list of tips and methods.

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