Why You Should Build a Website for Your Machine Shop

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Every twenty-first-century business needs a website, and that includes machine shops. Here are some excellent reasons why you should build a website for your machining company.

If you want to attract new customers, build a solid reputation, stand out from your competitors, and increase your sales, it is crucial that you build a website for your machine shop. But there are many other reasons why you need a website. For instance, a custom-built website can:

  • Showcase your list of equipment and capabilities.
  • Provide your contact details like your email address, phone number, and street address, so that anyone searching online can find your products and services easily and quickly.
  • Provide answers to common customer inquiries via a Frequently Asked Questions webpage.
  • Show off your past work to demonstrate your expertise and skill for things like turning and CNC machining.
  • Engage potential customers more by posting lots of photos that show off your shop floor, machinery, sample parts, and more.
  • Provide an online store to make buying parts and services easy and quick.

Check out the website of Revelation Machinery, a company that provides unparalleled service in the buying and selling of new and used fabrication and CNC machinery, to get a good idea of how a machine shop website can be attractive and engaging to potential customers.

The Pages You Should Include on Your Website

When building your website, it is important that the navigation is clear and concise so that customers can easily find the information they are looking for. There are several pages you could incorporate into your machine shop website. In addition to an FAQ page and an online store, here are some of the key pages you should consider including:

  • Home Page. The landing page for your website is of the utmost importance as it is the first port of call for most potential customers. It should be aesthetically pleasing and contain enough content to let viewers know what your business is all about without going overboard. Your home page needs to be clear, concise, and attractive.
  • Equipment. A page dedicated to the machinery and equipment your machine shop uses will help customers to know what capabilities and specialties you can provide.
  • Parts Gallery. Having a webpage dedicated to the parts you make also allows customers to see your company’s capabilities and specialties.
  • Services. This page allows customers to see all the different types of services you can provide.
  • Contact Us. Having a page dedicated to your contact information enables customers to quickly find the information they need to contact your machine shop in different ways.
  • Meet the Team. By having a page that shows biographies of the crucial people in your company, customers will get to know your firm on a more personal basis, which can lead to increased sales.

Add Testimonials and Certifications

If you want your website to attract new customers and stand out from your competitors, it is a good idea to include testimonials and certifications to your website, in addition to any official bodies your company is a member of. By adding customer testimonials, potential customers get to hear about how happy past clients are with your services. If you are ISO certified or ITAR registered, displaying such things can enable visitors to your website to trust your company more. At the end of the day, testimonials, certifications, and memberships give your machine shop credibility. 

Incorporate Search Engine Optimization

Even if you build a website with strong UX and UI design principles and all the features and content any prospective customer needs to complete his or her journey and purchase the products or services required, your site will be pretty useless if no one is able to find it. That is where Search Engine Optimization comes in. By including SEO content, in things like titles, headings, photos, and text bodies, your website will rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing. When people search for specific things like “custom-made parts” or “CNC machining,” they will be able to find your company easily as long as you actively use SEO techniques.

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