Where To Sell Gaming PC? [2023 Tips]

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If you are a gamer and sometimes you want to sell gaming PC. It’s a popular question that comes to everyone’s mind that has a gaming PC and wants to sell it, Where to sell Gaming PC? Gamers are huge in number all over the world and on the other hand selling and buying gaming PCs is also has become a niche market nowadays.

 Everyone who wants to sell Gaming PC wants to know how and where can i sell my gaming pc without losing money. So if you’re in the right place, here in this article we tell you about some important methods to sell your gaming PC and about places where you can sell it easily at reasonable prices.

Sell Gaming PC Essentials Steps or Methods

Follow is a step-by-step guideline of selling methods and also some useful tips and tricks on optimizing both the product for sale and also listing for it.

When you’ve come to selling your gaming PC, the very first necessary methods happen long before any listing always goes up online. The owner of the gaming PC who wants to sell it must need to do something to get his PC ready to sell easily:

1. Clean the selling PC internally

Keep in mind when you want to sell gaming Pc, you should never sell it with your data, files, and also all kind of private information left in your sell gaming PC.

So, before selling your PC make sure that you have completely cleaned your PC internally.

2. Clean the Selling PC externally

After cleaning internally the next step is to clean your PC externally. Never try to sell your pc with dust and an ugly, cobwebby pc. It will be directly responsible for reducing your gaming PC’s value. For cleansing, you should spray everything with canned air, also wipe down the case, monitor, and all other external parts of pc including in the listing.

3. Find the Right Marketplace to Sell Gaming PC

As it is clear that the selling and buying journey of PCs is not a mainstream market. At some time you feel lucky as you succeed to find a buyer for your pc near you like your friend, your relatives and other related persons.

 But it does not happen always then you need to find the right marketplace for your pc to sell. So, it’s very essential to find the right place for selling and buying PCs and their other parts.

4. Carefully Create the listing

Keep in mind that if you want to sell your gaming PC then you have to create eye-catching listings if you want to get more buyers traffic and potential. Make sure that you have to create a perfect listing.

5. Take High-Quality Photos from various angles

If you thought your listings as dating profiles then this method would help you a lot.  And any good listing begins with a huge gathering of well-lit, gorgeous photos.

The attractive photos must attract a buyer and the buyers who want to buy a pc can stop looking at the pictures if a seller has taken too many pictures. The main photo should be soo attractive because it can catch the buyer’s eyes. But you must be honest during all this process.

6. Craft a Headline with details

Any marketplaces must put a cap on the value of the number of characters that you can use in your headlines. If you create an amazing headline like ” Gaming PC” and ” Custom PC” must catch the attention of a buyer if he is especially looking pc. So crafting a detailed headline leads to a sale.

7. Detailed description

You should include a detailed description of your gaming pc like its processing speed, type of process, operating system, motherboard information, amount of RAM, display specs, type of storage, amount of storage, type of power supply unit, and specs on the case, etc.

8. Set reasonable and competitive prices

Keep in mind first of all a buyer wants to see the prices of your pc. So, you firstly need to set a competitive price for your sale. But be careful in setting prices, especially in the description.

Now we come to the point where to sell Gaming PC.

Sell Gaming PC

Best and Suitable Places to Sell a Gaming pc

Nowadays gamers find everywhere, people are very interested in playing different games. These game lovers have their Gaming PCs, but they must have to change their gaming PCs after every three years. So, if you are the best player then we suggest you best online buyer:

1. Amazon

Amazon is one of the best-selling platforms in the world. Amazon serves best for at least more than 200 countries all around the world. Another plus point of Amazon is that selling amazon is the best purchaser for all types of seconded-handed things.

The things that most people recommended to sell on amazon are technical things like computers, mobiles, laptops, smartphones, etc.

As a fee, it charges a transparent amount for a deal. If you want to sell your gaming pc on amazon then just make sure that your gaming pc must be fault-free and then let amazon fix the rate. After doing this you have to send your pc by courier with a specific shipping fee that is fixed.

2. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook announced or launched a selling and buying category in groups about 3 years ago but most people do not know about it. But after passing sometimes people start to know about it and its selling and buying users reached to 450 million sell on by groups even on monthly basis. It is not a matter of it where you are from.  Different region has different marketplaces.

You just have to post yours with real photos and details. But keep in mind the groups should be near to your use so that buyers can easily contact you and for a low shipping fee. After satisfying the buyer you can easily sell a gaming ps.

3. eBay

Another best online selling gaming pc is eBay. This online website is a special platform to sell and buy technical things. Nearly 165 million users were active on this online site.

Just upload your gaming pc photos with a good description and also with the conform shipping options. eBay will fix the rate for your pc.

4. Gazelle and Close5

Gazelle and Close5 are the two best online selling websites. You can easily sell your gaming pc in these places. However, Close5 is a small branch of the eBay online site.


To conclude we can say that if you’re a player and want to sell your gaming pc then don’t worry here in this article you can find different methods and the right places to sell your gaming pc easily and with security.

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